Thursday, March 20, 2008

New and Dark

Someone once asked me "why don't you draw nice things?"Every now and then I think about this questions and I think I've found an answer that I can live with. "Nice" things don't have to work to be pretty, to be beautiful. It is their nature to be pleasing to the eyes, soft on the mind and in some cases downright sugary. Ugly and dark things are often in the process of becoming beautiful and it is that process that I find beautiful. Below are three new images from The Final Transformation... that deal with just that idea, or rather are an example of the road to beauty.

9 x 11 - Pen, Brush, Red and Grey Ink

9 x 11 - Pen, Brush, Red and Grey Ink

9 x 11 - Pen, Brush, Red and Grey Ink

1 comment:

Seq- said...

Hi Matt,Nice drawings..i like a lot the third one,but all are my opinion the dark-ugly drawings are much more better from the other,they have unique beauty and meanings that u can rarely find to the pretty"ones.
Continue your good work,i think that there are many people that enjoy this kind of drawnings.